Acne Treatment
Commonest skin condition in the clinic Caused by excessive sebum secretion, clogged pores and bacteria. Occur on face, neck, chest and back. Classify as open comedomes, closed comedomes, iflammative acne and cystic acne. The inflammative and cystive acne cause hyperpigmentation, permanent scarring. Management of acne should be individualised First: consult. Find out the trigger factors […]
Acne Scar Treatment
Acne scar treatment is not about doing how many times of laser treatment. It is about diagnosis of the types of scar and giving the right treatment. Management Assessment is the most important step. Classification: ice pick, box scar, rolling scar, atrophic scar. Post-acne hyperpigmentation (PIH) is the skin color darkening due to inflammation process. […]
Birthmark Removal
Two main types “LASER” stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Modern lasers selectively target unwanted or abnormal cells in the skin, whilst minimizing damage to surrounding normal skin structures. They are very safe and effective when used by professionally trained staff. However, multiple treatments are often required to achieve the best […]
Mole and Skin Tag Removal
Skin growth are the benign skin tumors that do not turn cancerous. Examples are skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, moles, milia (oil seeds) and syringoma (usually around the eyes). These are removed surgically with electrosurgery or laser. These procedures remove the lesion precisely without causing damage to the surrounding tissue. Crust will be formed on the […]
Pigmentation Removal
Pigmentation treatment is one of the most common treatment in Asia. Not all the pigmentation is the same. Treatment should based on the cause of pigmentation. Common pigmentation: Most pigmentation is triggered by UV exposure. However, post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation is caused by Inflammation (such as after acne, eczema, insect bite reaction, allergic reactions) or trauma to the […]
Scars Removal
What types of scars are there? Scars can result from injury to the skin through disease and trauma. Common examples include burn scars, acne scars and surgical scars. Individual scars can be further classified as raised (hypertrophic or keloid), depressed or atrophic. Inflammation to the skin can also result in skin colour changes including red […]
Stretch Mark
Also known as Striae. Stretch marks, as the name suggests, are due to stretching of the skin, which results in tearing of the deeper layer of the skin. Early stretch marks is purple-red and may be itchy. Over time stretch marks lighten and develop a pale, wrinkled appearance. Stretch marks are a cosmetic problem which may […]
Skin Lightening
Asian society in general adores lighter and even skin tone. Excessive skin pigmentation or melanin production causes darkening of the skin tones. This can be due to genetic, hormone, skin inflammation or excessive sun exposure. To achieve a lighter and skin tones, sun protection is very essential. Always consult a medical professional for the best […]
Tattoo Removal
The popularity of tattoos is increasing, as is the range of tattoo inks that are being used currently. How are tattoos removed? Our clinics uses the latest laser technology, Picosecond Laser to shatter the ink particles into fine particles. The white blood cells can then effectively ingest and remove the finer material via the lymphatic […]
Wrinkles Removal & Skin Tightening
Ageing Skin Ageing of the skin is a gradual process that is associated with changes to the appearance, characteristics and function of the skin. A combination of genetic, lifestyle, dietary and environmental factors contribute to skin ageing. Intrinsic Ageing Intrinsic ageing, also known as the natural ageing process, is a continuous process that normally begins […]